
Menampilkan postingan dari Juni, 2020

Test past act

Corona virus is the virus that attacks the human body. The virus is causing a disruption in the pnemuia system acute to death. This virus can strike with no age. Corona's virus was also called covid-19, and it was first discovered in wuhan, China. And then it spread very rapidly to other countries like Indonesia. In the wake of further outbreaks in Indonesia, the government has set up a 14-day stay in case the government worries that it will affect many people in Indonesia, in order to keep the government at home and lockdown urges all sightseeing facilities for a while. But this holiday wasn't as much fun as I was happy at first, I guess it wouldn't be any assignment but it was all about expectations and the reality of the assignment doubled as much as it used to be but it was my obligation asa student. My chores during the covid-19 break did some chores for my parents, doing a lot of them.


Now you find two song lyric of your favorite songs!       Answer the following questions!                1. What is the title of those songs?                2. Who is the singer?                3. Write the parts of the song lyric as the above example!                4. Why do you like those songs?                5. What do the songs tell about?                6. What kind of are they? Answer :  1. a. Perfect     b. Speechless 2. a. One direction       b. Naomi Scott 3. a. Perfect ( title of the songs)          one direction (the singer) (Lyrics songs) I might never be your knight in shining armor I might never be the one you take home to mother And I might never be the one w...

Tugas ekonomi

• Dampak covid-19 terhadap perekonomian dan solusinya a. sumber dari "" Wabah penyakit Covid-19 ini menjadi sesuatu yang luar biasa tidak terlepas dari peran teknologi komunikasi. Tingkat persebaran informasi yang cepat menimbulkan kepanikan yang dahsyat di masyarakat. Implikasinya membuat perilaku masyarakat berubah. Kepanikan tersebut salah satunya mengakibatkan ketimpangan dari sisi keseimbangan permintaan dan penawaran. Internasional Monetary Fund (IMF) menyatakan saat ini ekonomi global mengalami krisis akibat pandemi virus corona. Kondisi ini diperparah dengan beberapa negara yang menerapkan kebijakan lockdown sehingga mempengaruhi impor bahan baku dan barang modal. Pada akhirnya produksi turun, barang langka, dan harga barang meningkat. Kenaikan harga barang yang disertai penghasilan yang menurun merupakan kondisi fatal daya beli masyarakat. Pasokan bahan pangan dan kebutuhan yang menurun menyebabkan harga naik. Hal ini akan menimbulkan kelangkaan barang...

Narrative text

Timun Emas Once upon a time there was a widow named mbok rondo, who was childless. Then after he prayed, he walked through the woods and met a giant and was given a golden cucumber seed. Giants will grant the Lord's prayer to bear children but will have to give it back to the giant when the child is a teenager. Yet bok rondo says it is. Soon the golden cucumber seed planted in the mbok rondo bears great fruit and is given the name cucumber. After 17 years had passed so pleasantly, the giant returned to mbok rondo to fetch a cucumber. Even mbok rondo's heart couldn't bear the thought that her son would soon become a giant meal. He sent his son away with 4 guns, which the maps had left to destroy the giant. One cucumber after another shot the weapon but the ogre can still get away. Next with the last weapon, a cucumber throws off an unused drum, which quickly turns into a mire and drowns a giant. Cucumbers are living happily with nbok rondo. His moral message is:...

Corona virus

Corona virus is the virus that attacks the human body. The virus is causing a disruption in the pnemuia system acute to death. This virus can strike with no age. Corona's virus was also called covid-19, and it was first discovered in wuhan, China. And then it spread very rapidly to other countries like Indonesia. In the wake of further outbreaks in Indonesia, the government has set up a 14-day stay in case the government worries that it will affect many people in Indonesia, in order to keep the government at home and lockdown urges all sightseeing facilities for a while. But this holiday wasn't as much fun as I was happy at first, I guess it wouldn't be any assignment but it was all about expectations and the reality of the assignment doubled as much as it used to be but it was my obligation asa student. My chores during the covid-19 break did some chores for my parents, doing a lot of them.